Author’s Books

The Power of Christ in YOUR Life

As a lifetime member in the Church and a minister for 51 of those years, Warren R. Angel maintains that the power of Christ is inherent in every believer and available to anyone anywhere in the world who will commit their lives to Christ.

The power of Christ is reality and transformation, life-changing power to conquer any sinful habit or addiction. It is power to see miracles and healing in the lives of those prayed for through the Holy Spirit. Angel tells story after story of amazing miracles and healing throughout the history of the Church, beginning with the life of Christ and continuing with the apostles, people like Constantine, Augustine, and Luther, and down to our time everywhere in the world where Christ is preached and believed, including his own ministry.

The power of Christ is still the greatest power in the world today. Anyone can have his power in their life!

$9.99 now available for $9.00

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God’s Love in the End Times

Discusses false ideas about God’s love, especially among Christians, and clarifies biblical concepts, notably that God will never stop loving anyone, that God’s sovereignty is subject to his love, and that no believer will be left behind at Christ’s return. Includes a strong refutation of Calvinism, which by its nature denies God’s love for every person. Enables every believer to say, no matter what their situation in life, “I know God loves me!”

$13.95 now available for $10.50

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Kindle Ebook available from Amazon $6.99




In this just released Revised Edition Angel includes commentary on the sexual abuse crisis in the Church,  pointing out that the problem is not uncommon among Protestants. He personally knows a few ministers other than Baptists who sexually abused women and young girls. He tells us how both Protestants and Catholics can conquer and eradicate this evil by the power of Christ.

A Catholic reader: “I had no idea we had so much in common.” This book helps the Church answer Jesus’ prayer to love one another, enabling Christians to break down misconceptions and barriers between Catholics and Protestants. Shows all Christians how we can be a Church of joy in the Lord, marked by love for Jesus Christ, spirituality, faith, and the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit.

Review:  “Pope John Paul II recently issued a call for Christian unity through pulpit proclamations and an encyclical letter. One response is that of Congregational minister Rev. Warren Angel. He believes that a major problem in relationships among Catholics and Protestants is the extreme, polarizing views of fundamentalism and liberalism. The solution is not difficult provided that Christians are willing to put aside prejudice and misconceptions and fully embrace Christ’s love and faith.  “Yes We Can Love One Another!” shows individuals how to do this.”

$9.99 now available for $9.00

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(Also can be purchased from Amazon)

Kindle Ebook available from Amazon $3.99